1. We love people unconditionally

Church is designed to be a love-filled environment, a place where people can come in and feel welcomed, loved and respected. We promote love in our midst by providing the right environment to share and experience the love of Christ. Our Cell Group Ministry is where people receive love, care and share fellowship with one another. It is also a place to grow spiritually amongst people with similar life experiences, giving them the opportunity to extend that same love to others.
Scripture references: John 13:34; Romans 13:8; Gal 5:14; 1 Peter 1:22

2. Lost people matter to God, therefore they matter to us

We are a chosen and appointed people responding to the command of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to go into the entire world sharing the forgiveness and love of God. We are called to show people how to discover and experience the unique nature of God’s love and forgiveness for themselves.
Scripture references: Matt 28:18-20; Matt 18:12 -14; John 15:16; Luke 14:23


3. We promote Unity in the Church

Unity is our strength. We desire that unity be upheld in every facet of our Church. We work together with one vision and one purpose, submitting to God and the leadership of the Church.
Scripture references: Psalm 133; Ephesians 4:3; John 17:21-22

4. The way to greatness is through service

We follow Christ’s path to greatness by serving one another and our community. Our ministries provide an avenue for everyone to serve and impact our community for Christ by their actions and contributions. We encourage everybody to make themselves available for service.
Scripture references: John 13:5-8; Matt 5:13; Matt 23:11; Luke 10:33-37


5. Equipping people for daily living

Jesus demonstrated the importance of equipping his followers through training for daily living and service to God. Likewise, we equip ourselves through constant training which covers life teachings and the doctrines of Christ such as Baptism and Repentance etc. The training we receive empowers us for daily living.
Scripture references: Deuteronomy 4:5; Proverbs 4:4-7; John 8:2; Ephesians 4:14


6. Excellence honors God and inspires people

The excellence of God's character and handwork is reflected on how we run our church. We strive to have every aspect of ministry done to the best of our ability. We are determined to continuously raise the standard of excellence in our worship and service to God. As such, we constantly measure, evaluate, and review our effectiveness in every area of ministry.

We are committed to working together, using our unique gifts and abilities to accomplish what God has called us to do.
Scripture Reference: Gen 1:26, 31; Heb. 11:4, Ephesians 4:16; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27


7. Creativity reflects God’s nature

Every one has the creative ability of God within them and a unique purpose to fulfill on earth.

As a Church we provide an environment that motivates and challenges people to develop, nurture and promote their God-given abilities.

We challenge ourselves to think “out of the box” by continually reinventing ideas and programs so that we can be relevant to our generation. We ask the ‘Why’, ‘What’, ‘When’ and ‘How’ questions in whatever we do or promote as we refuse to be satisfied with the status quo.
Scripture References: Genesis 1:1, 27; Psalm 19:1-3; Exodus 31:3-5

8. We value fervent prayer intercessions.

We believe that intercession is the call of every believer. Therefore, the voice of prayer is heard as we pray out loud together in our open prayer service prayer times. This principle of prayer is believed to be the motto or powerhouse of our church lives. Individual praying and fasting and prayer for the whole church is our continual and primary emphasis

9. Value prophetic ministries.

We believe that prophecy and the ministry of the prophet are to be fully operational in the church today. If the church is going to be filled with vision and under the full direction of Jesus, the prophetic voice must be heard. We do not accept that this and other ministries were to be confined to an apostolic age, but that they are to be fully activated until the physical return of Christ. 

10. We value Gods word.

We believe that the bible is God’s inspired word, the authoritative and trust worthy rule of faith and practice for all Christians.


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