Headed by Apostle Dr.Prince Nnams. This ministry is established to direct the people of God under His care to live according to the design of God for their lives. The pastoral ministry operates as stewards and shepherds of God’s heritage.


Achievers Royal Squard:
The needs of children are ministered to empower them to grow in the word.
This is a really exciting group for the children “ and their praise is often sung very loud and enthusiastically!. The Children? are often very open in their relationship with God, and enjoy communicating with Him in a variety of ways. They have many activities to help them relate their faith in their lives. Each session is structured in a way appropriate to the children’s stage, this is an exciting time of new discoveries for them, activities in the Children Church.

Children's ministry runs from the beginning of our service at 11.30am.
In future will be organising day trips and other activities.
I expect that whatever the children learn during their time at the ministry they will apply this to their everyday life. I expect that every child in the ministry is to have a bible and they must bring it with them when coming into church.

We welcome all children between the ages of 1 -“ 18 to join our children and youth ministry



Kingdom Addicts:
Consecrated and set apart by God to use their talents for ministry


Daughters of Virtue(D.O.V.E):
This is a great opportunity to meet women of substance and virtue for fellowship. Last Saturday of the month @ 7:00pm.


Shepherds are appointed by the pastor to minister to the needs of both spiritual and physical at Great  Achievers Int'l Church. The members are the extension of the pastor’s to ensure that members have a point of contact for prayer and encouragement and discipleship.


Ushers, greeters, and protocols. Providing our guests and members the necessary information, seating them and giving them the care and attention they need.


Prayer is an integral part of our church. This ministry is responsible for covering the pastor spiritually, and intercedes for him and his family for God’s guidance and wisdom to lead.

G-98 CLUB:

This is the outreach wing of the church, which is committed to people in need in the third world countries. This ministry is going for the lost ones by providing shelter, medicines, clothing,Food, etc.


The media ministry of GAICM is in charge of publication and developing the sermons into VHS, DVD’s, and audio CD’s. Their aim is using technology in spreading the Good News.


To establish fellowship and relationship among men, thus together, enabling them to fulfil their God given potential and purpose, through seeking the love and honour that comes from the only God (John 5:44), to bring about a renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2), and to walk continually in the Lord's presence, clothed with His Spirit and power, for the establishment of the body of Christ, and the kingdom of God.


As a group, we are committed to using music to help the congregation to worship our Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth and raise ?the edification ?of the body of Christ (Eph 4:12).

The objectives of the choir Ministry:

  • To exhort members to live consecrated lives in close communion with God using music and His Word.
  • To encourage members to witness for the Lord both in word and songs, deed and conduct, as individuals and as a group.
  • To support the Church in its policies and activities.
  • To exalt the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ in using various ?musical activities


  • To equip congregations that would worship Our Lord? Jesus Christ ?in spirit and in truth.
  • To experience practical manifestation of the Power of God such as seeing the blind receiving vision, the ?lame regaining mobility , ?the deaf regaining hearing during ?worship sessions.
  • For the congregation to experience personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ r.
  • To publish inspiring books and create musical CD/DVDs.

The main entry requirement: Must be born again Christian with genuine ?love for Our Lord Jesus Christ ?and passion .


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